Larsen Performing Artists

Meet the musicians we are currently working with

Anne Akiko Meyers performs with Il Cannone® Soloist edition for violin with a touch of Gold.

‘Vieuxtemps’ Guarneri del Gesù (1741)

Larsen Aurora Viola Set
Larsen Strings North America

Musician Profiles, Video Reviews & Testimonials

We work closely with musicians in the development of our strings and invite you to view biographies, reviews, videos and to connect with our colleagues and friends. See and hear the strings in performance and gain insights into each individual musician’s chosen set up.


Anne Akiko Meyers
Larsen Strings Viola Virtuoso ®

Our Violin Artists


Tina Guo
Larsen Strings Viola Original

Our Cello Artists


Lourdes Rosales
Larsen Strings Viola Aurora

Our Viola Artists


Larsen Strings North America Webshop

Buy direct in North America (only)

‘It’s all about the music’

Laurits Th. Larsen. Violinist and Founder, Larsen Strings A/S

Larsen Strings North America

Larsen Strings North America

LSNA East: 270 Oak Tree Road, Unit B, Palisades, NY 10964

LSNA West: 645 Front St., Unit 1612, San Diego, CA 92101

Tel.: 718.994.1613


Larsen Strings North America is the exclusive source for Larsen Strings in the United States, imported by Glasser NY.

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